Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Welcome Sha K K! I am so glad that we can stay connected to our innermost feelings and things that happen in our lives through blogs! How exciting!
Last night was spent printing pictures and spending time with the family. I love how comfortable I feel at Grady's Parents house. Doesn't matter what time of day it is or what day of the week, we are always welcome! It so different from what I am used to with my dysfunctional family life. (where I have to call to see if my step dad is there before I can even think about coming over!)
When Grady and I arrived home last night there was a note for him on our front door. Unfortunately it was a letter letting him know how behind he is on our rent! Yikes! There seems to be no end to the financial surprises he has for me! Thankfully God has been (and is) in control of everything! I keep praying for patience and peace about all the newness of sharing everything with someone else. Today's love dare is patience so it went so well with the overload of info.
Anywho! Thank God for being the light unto my path! Even if the light is just bright enough to get through today, it is still such a blessing to know that he knows my words before I say them and steps I take before I even think about taking them! Hallelujah!

Oh and Grady got a job at the hospital I work at! It is a part time position in Radiology! Praise God!

1 comment:

Tennessee Mama Duck said...

Thank God for the new job! Are the hours similar to yours at all?

Do you guys have money for the rent and just forgot? Or do you not have the money? God is working on him, Essie. Let Him.

I love you!